Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It is hard to imagine that Anatolian Shepherd dogs tolerate the heat well. Otto has been refusing to walk in the warmer temperatures. He has even taking to throwing himself on the ground, tongue fully extended in protest of continuing back home in the warmer weather.. While the house looks like a cyclone of dog hair, he still hasn't managed to cast off his handsome heavy winter fur coat so I am sure he is overheated...or just PLAIN LAZY.

The highlight of Otto's spring has been the daily visits by a lone female turkey. She comes everyday like clockwork, once in the morning around 8:00 am and again promptly at 5:20 pm to eat the fallen seeds from the feeders. On the top of the feeders we set out grape jelly and oranges out in anticipation of Baltimore orioles, my most favorite little spring darlings.

Turkeys love grape jelly. Who knew? It has officially made Otto crazy. Click on the pictures to get a close up of Ms. Tom.

On to the next feeder!

1 comment:

Semavi Lady said...

Mrs Tom looks beautiful!
I love the closeups! :)