Friday, September 5, 2008

The Noon Howl

From bad knees and bad backs to allergies in dogs, Cortisone is a miracle drug. I would like to stock pile a gallon of the stuff. Otto, at least for the past two days is 100% back to his old self. He slept across my legs early this morning something he hasn't done in 29 days. He renewed his skid marks by the front door. He howled at the 12:00 noon siren. I have missed that howl. You can hear the dogs throughout the village of Elkhart howl at noon. Otto didn't start out howling, he started out barking at the siren, probably thinking the flashing red fire truck was coming fast as it usually did in Chicago whenever the alarm sounded. It wasn't until I tossed my head back and howled at him like a wolf that he got the general idea to sing along. It must be something that affects a dogs ears. We used to have a German Shepherd dog that would howl every time I played the piano.

Poor Otto has been in the downstairs retreat during the August itch so when he came double stepping up the stairs for his daily 15 second howl, I was thrilled that he is finally feeling better, even it if it just for a day.

Poor dog, why does he...come to think of it, why do I have allergies? My husband, who has never had an allergy in his life is convinced that they come from a weakened immune system. (His multiple sinus infections which have resulted in IMMEDIATE TRIPS TO THE URGENT CARE FACILITY don't count.) When he discusses Otto's allergies or mine, he has the same look on his face as if someone has sneezed on his dinner plate.

So, August is the official month that Otto and I would like to eliminate from the year. We both live on Benadral, both break out and generally don't feel well. Otto lost 5 lbs. due to his non stop itching, I gained 5 due to lack of exercise in the extreme heat or what ever other excuse I can muster up. It just isn't our favorite month.

Thank heavens September is here and we both howling!


Semavi Lady said...

I hope that you all have continued improvement. I just caught up with your adventures. I've been way busy and remiss in both reading and posting on blogs (email, websites, books, life in general, etc), but I get the feeling that you know the drill. :/

Immune systems affect many comforts for sure (including that sinus!). Could there be carpet, room scent, coverings (on furniture or elsewhere) or some other thing in your home harboring some evil thing that is affecting all of you?

When I was still a student and working as a special care 'nurse' with Upjohn temporaries, I had one patient whose mother finally pulled all the carpets and furniture, everything from the house that wasn't cotton or wool or wood. Only natural fibers in the home meaning that staple furniture all became wood... her child with many unspecified allergies, his hyper activity, and attention span as well all vastly improved.

Probiotics paired with products like Nzymes (google it) are increasingly used by many to help the gut do its massive job of balancing the immune system. It seems to be a less drastic and successful choice that appears to help many.

Anyway, autumn is my fave seasons and I hope you all get to have a great one.

Anonymous said...

Join the club! I've been having my allergies kick up lately and so has my sweet girl, Raven. Every year around this time we both get them. Raven tends to rub her face on whatever she can to scratch it. Benedryl normally helps her but this year it hasn't been touching her. I finally got some Temaril-P at work (vet's office) this past week for her and she's been doing great. I haven't seen her scratch once since she's been on it. It's really been helping her. I'm slowly catching up on emails, blogs and other things. Keep up the good work on your blog! I really enjoy reading it. Otto is so handsome!