Monday, January 28, 2008

Otto's unraveling....

Otto is preoccupied with my personal clothing. It started when he was a puppy and his infatuation has progressed. Whever we would have company over, Otto would disappear and then come whizzing back into the room where I was entertaining with a pair of my underwear...which of course was hard to explain...and even harder to get back from him. If I would get up and yell, "OTTO,give me that RIGHT NOW," he would start shaking the underwear as fast as he could, front legs down, rear end up and tail wagging. If I were to get closer to him, he headed down the hall, shaking his head, feet sliding sideways on the wooden floors. It was hard to be really upset with him....and he knew it. I learned to keep my clothing on higher shelves in the closet or in closed drawers.

The problem is when I travel... with Otto (of course.) He knows the old L.L. Bean canvas bag and at floor level, it becomes like a feeding bag for him, full of all of my clothes and undergarments...especially my socks. In particular, he has formed an abnormal attraction to a pair of socks that my sister made for me. I feel the same way about them and only wear them on special occasions. My clothes might be hideous but my socks are fabulous! These pictures will detail further the events of my last trip. I pretended to be busy in the closet with my back turned so I could grab some pictures of Otto in action...and to ensure blogging accuracy..

Hmmm, what is he doing in my closet?

Checking out the gooods.....

So predictable........

I made him "DROP" the sock by offering him a biscuit I had in my pocket (ICE) and snatched it from him before he could attempt to unravel it

Have you ever seen such great socks?


Anonymous said...

This story was pretty funny. I have 4 ASDs and a couple of mine like to try to steal clothing too so I have to keep a close watch on them if they go into one of the bedrooms. They are quite sneaky! It sounds like you really have some fun with Otto. He's a handsome boy!

Judy said...

My first Great Pyrenees, Natasha, loved my underwear. Like Otto she would run into a room with a pair of undies, shake them around, and get set for a game of chase. I love the pics of Otto selecting his favorite socks. Great blog!