I set aside a little area in our home for me to watch the tapes and punch, kick or do what ever torturous activity required to shed the 10. I hate the thought of exercising, I prefer sitting, cooking, eating, even working appeals more to me then sweating away at a public place with equipment that has been touched by ANYONE...sickens me just the thought of it....
Otto has never seen me exercise except when I have to chase him to retrieve something he has taken or when I am doing aerobic vacuuming after his weekly brushings. My husband has never seen me exercise either aside from folding the laundry or cleaning the windows ( Otto's lookout posts) four times a day so the mere suggestion that I was venturing out to get myself a mat from TJ Max and a Billy Blanks (Otto's worst nightmare) Tae Bo tape was really amusing for him.
I wish I could describe better how my first 29 minute "Denise Austin" "Flatten those ab's" video went. Prior to going to "the room" to exercise, I put Otto in the bedroom, closed the door and told my husband that I would be back in half an hour...I wasn't even past the opening credits and "WARNINGS" in her video before the audience arrived. Otto, his 10 year lab pal Scout, and my husband all planted themselves down, as Gordy says, "Moral Support."
Have you ever had an animal laugh at you? Whereas my husband wouldn't dare, Otto was laying on his side when I started the sit up torture and every time I would raise my head (grunt and exhale) to my knees, he would wag his tail with his mouth open making like a chirping growling noise. He actually looked like he was smiling at me, for sure he was amused. This went on for about 10 minutes when I looked at my husband who was sound asleep on the floor...slightly snoring. He is like a baby, he can sleep anywhere regardless of anything...lucky guy..I have to have complete darkness, the right pillow...and must be all tucked in real tight and NO NOISE at all. I don't sleep too much between three snoring males in the bedroom.
Well, I made it thru the tape but decided that tomorrow, Billy Blanks, Tae Bo and I are going to have 30 private minutes, no audience, no moral support and no laughing dog.
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