So much snow, must have had a foot overnight!
During a walk about 4 weeks ago, a hunter who lives down the street passed by with a huge buck hanging off the back of his pickup truck. My husband, Otto and I were out for our afternoon walk. Otto started barking, sniffing the air, growling and hauling with all his might after the truck. Problem #1. My husband yelled, "Can my dog see your deer?" and the neighbor politely agreed. Problem #2. Otto had never seen a deer up close and personal. He has seen them at the bird feeder in our back yard, he has seen them in fields from afar and no doubt he has dreamt of them and the dastardly things he would like to them. Otto's reaction was predictable. Crouching, growling, approaching with caution he licked the deer's neck. The hunter never got out of his pickup and in about 30 seconds said to us, "Gotta go!" and started moving down the road. I can only describe the look that Otto had on his face when the truck started moving as "beyond startled." I imagine he preferred it when he thought the deer was a harmless hairy smelly unresponsive beast but when the truck started moving away with the deer, Otto let out his canine howling version of "OH SH_T!" I attempted to calm him, he was just undone. Not our best walk.
Problem #3. Now, when ever a pick up comes by Otto, which is about every other car in Wisconsin, he seems convinced that it is a deer either coming at him or rolling away from him. When he hears or sees a truck 1/4 of a mile away, down he goes, either into a sit or a crouch and will not move until the deermobile has passed.
Solution? Distraction by rewards works just fine when the trucks approach. He will gladly take a treat just at the point when the truck is passing, the problem is he will not entertain food or other distractions when the truck is far away. He just wants to sit and wait. He is smart isn't he?
Any thoughts?
That's the magic of God's great creation. No one can be certain how smart animals really are. But, if you pay close enough attention, you will start to see how they think, which is very similar to us. Humans and animals have the basic need to surivive. We both need food, water, shelter, and excess needs. When we sense our life is in danger, we use our logic to survive. Now, on to your problem. You stated that your dog licked the neck of the deer. Now that he has done this, he has gotten to know what a deer is on a more personal level. As a guard dog or a herding dog, he has the urge to control it. He feels it is his responsability to maintain control of the animal. I'm sure he will grow out of his truck taunting phase. Just show him love and respect, and he will listen to you eventually. At least, that's just my own little opinion.
I cannot tell if you are talking about your dog or your husband. Which one did you neuter? Is your dog or your husband the one humping other dogs?
Regardless of which one is Otto, you should seek professional help for both of them. Their is a facility in Waldo Wisconsin called Hot Digity Dog Mental Institution that caters to both dogs and husbands. Perhaps they could go together abd you can take a vacation to Aruba.
Good luck with Otto.
Cesar Milan
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